Aquatic Invasive Species Committee (AIS)
• Coordinates with the City of Lake Shore Police Department to provide water craft inspections for invasive species at the County Road 77 boat landing.
• Conducts two inspections at 24 locations to look for AIS.
• Donates annually to the University of Minnesota Aquatic Invasive Species Research Center (MAISRC) for zebra mussel research.
• Fulfills AIS prevention needs including establishing a boat power wash station at the Gull Lake Recreation Area public access ramp managed by the US Army Corps of Engineers.
Communications Committee
• Maintains a website (www.gcola.org), a member group email service and a Facebook page (@GullLakeChain) to provide timely communication.
• Issues four newsletters per year to keep members informed about association programs and important issues affecting the Gull Lake Chain.
Environmental Committee
• Monitors water quality of our lakes and stream inlets through quantitative chemical analysis. Samples are collected by GCOLA volunteers and analysis completed by a licensed environmental laboratory.
• Measures water quality during the summer by secchi disk readings taken by GCOLA volunteers.
• Promotes star gazing and northern lights viewing through educational initiatives on light pollution.
Finance/Audit Committee
• Oversees the Gull Chain Preservation Endowment Fund and AIS Contingency Fund which provides long term funding for stewardship activities.
• Manages budgeting process
• Supervises financial statements and audit process.
Fisheries Committee
• Attends annual Avid Angler discussion led by DNR and local fishing guides and outdoor media.
• Stays informed on fishery-related research from the University of Minnesota AIS Research Center.
• Reports findings in GCOLA newsletter.
Gala Committee
• Plans and executes annual fundraising Gala, including silent auction, trip raffle, and event sponsorship.
Government Relations Committee
• Works with state legislators the DNR, state agencies and local government units on lake issues and concerns.
Lake Steward Committee
• Invites all lakeshore owners to Take the Quiz and receive the Lake Steward Award for managing shoreland to promote lake water quality.
• Provides funding for approved shoreland naturalization projects.
• Conducts a Tree Giveaway each spring to promote naturalization of shoreland to protect water quality.
Loon Preservation Committee
• Conducts a yearly loon count in the spring and late summer.
• Educates boaters on loon-safe boating practices
• Promotes the Get the Lead Out loon safe-fishing program.
• Supports loon reproduction activities including loon nesting platforms.
Membership Committee
• Conducts membership development programs to recruit and retain individual, family, and business memberships.
• Recruits new members through the Lake Ambassador program.
Safety & Recreation Committee
• Purchases, installs and maintains one of the premier navigational buoy systems (90 buoys) in the State of Minnesota. We also install the no wake enforcement buoys for the sheriff ’s department.
• Provides free maps, with boating rules and regulation, at three public landings.
• Partners with Cass and Crow Wing county sheriffs to provides free boat safety training for approximately 75 youth per year.
• Works with county sheriffs on safety and enforcement issues including donations for night vision equipment, a range finder, and life jackets.